Thursday, August 4, 2016

Haunting Proper Skepticism

Every celebrity sells you a collection of manufactured realities to agree with the zeitgeist of the made man's convictions. Time gives you applause at the mixed makeup of a torrented factory based economy.


Notoriously irrelevant dancing in a storm of conflicted momentary nothing. The crass experience of being in debt to a lie. Do you remember the revolutions that never happened in your lifetime? Stories told by the survivors doesn't express the truth of the dead. Nihilism isn't a decision, it's a coincidence of conflated corruptions. One can only decide to give up the ghost.


Too many instances of terrific complications breeds a mistaken need for unreal contrition.

We wait for an answer when the wind refuses to speak. Truth doesn't need an audience.

Clone the indecision to recreate the division. We can't be forever if forever doesn't exist.

Violence reminds us that every stable moment is a hair's width away from unraveled meaning.

Every mother's song reminds NV of a life that was never possible.

Rejoice for the greater good of the session. How many billion souls do walk the earth that can still make us feel more alone than god ever intended us to know?

Break glass in just in case. Emergence.

But let's be honest. Really, what's the case for or against mistaken identity? Does it matter?

Seems like this blog is bullshit.

Stunningly there was an attempt to be made to find some level of conviction in telling anecdotal truths with the assumption that enough authenticity would make it more meaningful. All that it actually did was derive a perverse reality filter to lose it's shit.

Looking forward to bad times.

Got enough stories to tell a new theory of unending regret. Nevermind. Lost all intent. Tended to see things wrongly. Tended to tell the truth in the face of lies, and got the message that lies were all that ever were told. We can't do better if there's no foundation to build on. Lean on me?

I fall for my own sake. Not for yours. Not anymore

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